Monday, September 24, 2007

White Noise

I had avoided White Noise for ages since I was terrified to watch it alone. I finally grew a pair and watched it -- granted first thing in the morning. So the true test will come tonight if I can sleep or not...but that is a different entry for a different blog.

This movie dealt with electronic voice phenomenon (EVP)
which is a way those in the great beyond try to communicate with this world through the white noise of TV and radio. I frankly get freaked out easily on such things but this movie was not so much creepy and just using EVP as an smaller element of a serial killer mystery. This is refreshing since it makes the the movie more than another supernatural cheap trick.

For me this movie does raise the whole question over are people ghost magnets or are the places they live. It seemed Michael Keaton was a magnet of some sort since the malevolent spirits followed him from his own house, to his loft, to the warehouse. I can relate to this, since no matter where we live, Casey (my cat) finds crap to scream and yell at that I cannot see.

Anyway, overall, I give this movie a definite recommendation, since it is if nothing else a beautiful love story with a bit of crime drama thrown in.

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