Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Aviator

This film is the semi-autobiographical story of Howard Hughes, a precursor to Richard Branson.  Hughes was an aviation giant, movie mogul and one of the most successful people to suffer from OCD.  The film depicts how an early and seemingly innocuous childhood event triggered in Hughes a lifetime obsession with cleanliness.

Overall, The Aviator only covers a short span of the life of Howard Hughes in which the viewer is witness to a glimpse of the final breakdown that caused Hughes to barricade himself away on the top floor of a Las Vegas hotel for the last 1o years of his life. 

The main reason I have always been fascinated with Howard Hughes was that I could relate to a man tortured with so much passion and not enough power or control to execute it.  I often feel a similar powerlessness, minus the OCD issue of course.

However, since I have become a probate paralegal, the drama that surrounded Hughes estate after his death has become an intellectual curiosity for me.  A very good reason why you should keep your friends closer, your enemies closer, and your estate planning up to date.  Even if you have nothing to leave behind.

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