Sunday, November 25, 2007


There is no limit to the number of prison movies out that describe the tough life behind prison bars.  The majority of these movies will include prison scenes of fighting, showering and rape, as a way of illustrating the degradation of the inmates to animals.  However, Jailbait's approach is far more cerebral in its delivery and this makes a refreshing change.

The majority of the film takes place in a single cell and involves the two cell mates.  The older, in for murdering his wife, dominates the younger, a 3 strike felon, from the second he enters the cell.  Through initial friendly chatter to gain his trust and later a domestic violence abuser cycle, the two enter into a pattern of psychological rape on a daily basis.  The look on the younger inmates face is telling of how this treatment is more damaging than the physical and sexual abuse he has suffered already.

This film serves as yet another reminder to me why I never want to go to prison.

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